Mobile towers posing a threat to honey bees in Kerala withe electromagnetic radiation from mobile towers and cell phones having the potential to kill.
In one of his experiments he found that when a mobile phone was kept near a beehive it resulted in collapse of the colony in five to 10 days, with the worker bees failing to return home, leaving the hives with just queens, eggs and hive-bound immature bees"
Jako student kritik socialismu, jeho nesvobod.
Odmitl jsem nastoupit vojenskou sluzbu, podepsal Charta 77, odesel 1987 do emigrace.
V zahranici slevil z kritiky socialismu. -Nadsen zmenami 1989, pozdeji zklaman upadkem, bezzakonnosti, chaosem.
Odmitam valky, zbrojeni, vojenske zakroky a okupace, "demokracii" vedouci k feudalismu, divoky kapitalismus bez radu. V USA ridic, dalkovy ridic, programator.
Refused to serve in the communist Czechoslovakian army, held in psychiatric hospital, declared mentally ill, managed to leave the country. Signed freedom and human rights petition Charta 77. Since 1989 in The Usa.
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